Permanent Residence Permit South Africa – How to qualify?
On July 29, 2013 / Leave a comment
If you are serious about South Africa, a Permanent Residence Permit is what you should ultimately consider.
As a Permanent Residence permit holder you have all the rights a South African citizen enjoys, accept for the old age grant and voting. There are several different options for foreigners wanting to stay for an extended period of time or even for a life-time.
Being passionate about South Africa ourselves, we have explored options for foreigners to become Permanent Residents in South Africa:
Permanent Residence based on employment or temporary Work Permit:
You are eligible to apply for Permanent Residence under the Work Permit category, if you have been in possession of a temporary Work Permit for 5 years. In order to apply, the company you are working for must offer you permanent employment.
A person, who possesses an exceptional or scarce skill in South Africa, may be eligible to apply for Permanent Residency in South Africa straight away. Amongst other things, documentary proof is required confirming the scarce skill and that the permit will be to the benefit of the industry of his or her field.
A foreigner may be eligible for Permanent Residency should their occupation fall within a specific professional category or occupational class as prescribed by the Quota list issued by the Director General.
Permanent Residence based on Spouse/Relative Permit
If you have been in a partnership with a South African citizen or permanent resident, and you are able to prove that you have been together for a minimum of five years, you are eligible to apply for Permanent Residence under the Life Partnership Permit category. Proof of co-habitation and joint financial responsibility is required.
If you have been married to a South African citizen or permanent residency permit holder for a minimum period of 5 years, you may apply for Permanent Residence in South Africa based on your marriage. Valid proof of marriage is required for this category.
Permanent Residence based on a Business Permit
Upon issuance of a temporary Business Permit for South Africa, you may legally proceed to apply for a Permanent Residency Permit. The Business Permit category is open to foreigners who intend to establish a business in South Africa and meet the prescribed financial contribution.
Should the business be in national interest or a waiver is obtained from the Department of Trade and Industry, the capital contribution may be reduced.
As with the temporary business permit, the investor needs to proof that a minimum number of employees will be employed in the business. A couple of years after issuing the Permanent Residence certificate, and in regular intervals thereafter, the holder needs to submit proof that the capital contribution is still invested as part of the book value of the business. Failing to meet this requirement may cause the permit to lapse.
Permanent Residence based on a Retired Permit
Should a foreigner intend to retire in South Africa and he or she meets the requirements pertaining to the monthly pension, irrevocable annuity or minimum prescribed net worth; he or she may be eligible to apply for Permanent Residency.
Permanent Residence based on the Financially Independent Permit
If you are financially independent, and can prove that your income is sufficient to fund your life in South Africa, you may apply for Permanent Residence in South Africa. You will be required to pay a once-off fee of R75 000 upon approval of the application.
Permanent Residence based on Relatives Permit
If you are a foreigner who is a relative to a South African Citizen or Permanent Residence holder (biological or judicially adopted child and adoptive parent), you can apply for a Relatives Permit. The South African relative must be willing and able to support the foreign relative.
Should you have any questions with regard to the Permanent Residence Permit for South Africa or would like to know if you qualify, feel free to contact our experienced immigration consultants.

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